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Dylan's Engineering old storefront with classic Ferraris parked

Dylan's Engineering: A new brand with history.

Creating a brand new identity in an experienced industry.

Dylan's Engineering was born out of the passion and experience of working on classic Ferraris. We were brought on to create a new and unique brand identity for Dylan's Engineering. Dylan's Engineering was the child of its founder and wife when they purchased the rights and business equipment from an already established shop. Instead of relying on the old branding they opted to modernize and create something of their own. 


The Branding: A new brand with history.

Modern graphic design cues with classic influence.

Creating something that we at mixed ideas can be prideful of while also meeting the desires and wants of our clients is our goal. Our client specializes in Ferrari engine maintenance and care, so they wanted their logo to reflect that. Our team has a passion for cars, but technical knowledge of them. We researched the type of engine they wanted and reduced the details down to a pleasing flat logo while still conveying the exact type of engine to their experienced clients. 

Dylan's engineering client input of black and yellow checker
Client input for logo with gears and engine
Dylan's engineering logo submission history with client revisions
Artboard 1.png

The Visuals: Dylan's Engineering

Who We Are

While location scouting the shop, we discovered that they had saved photos from the previous business owners. Hundreds of physical print photos taken from film cameras displaying all the cars that they worked on. Shoeboxes were full of photos of Ferraris and other classic cars that were then sorted through and digitized to use in future content and their website.

Engineering Consultants

When approached, they had asked us to create everything for the business from the ground up. They wanted a site that displayed their engineering capabilities. We researched their competitor’s sites in their specific niche and saw outdated site after outdated site. We wanted to create something sleek and modern to impress potential clients while also funneling them into booking. a consultation.

Dylan's engineering website services page screenshot
Dylan's engineering hero banner on home page screenshot

The Marketing: Strategy 

Engineering Consultants

Our firm was excited to tackle a marketing strategy that is B2C focused. We created every digital marketing channel from scratch by analyzing what their competitors did. We also conducted multiple marketing analysis to guide future marketing campaigns.


Dylan's Engineering branding guideline one page spread sheet
Holofoil 2.png

let's create

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